My name is Med Khalil Kahlaoui, and I am going to be your Robotics’ Instructor. Robotics has been my all time favorite passion for over 6 years now, I have been part of servel international and national organizations such as IEEE and AJST, and if there’s one thing I enjoy more than learning robotics it’s teaching it. In each step i take in my journey,I am willing to learn and thus helping others with their projects, because sharing is caring.I am on Study now and I look forward to help many of you to learn and nourish your skills.
Studytn. est une plate-forme en ligne qui vous rapproche des principaux instructeurs talentueux de votre région et du monde et vous aide à apprendre les compétences les plus enrichissantes du 21ème siècle tout au confort de votre maison.