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Hamdi BEN





Hamdi BEN

Hamdi BEN

2+ years of software engineering focused on JavaScript with an emphasis in React/NodeJs and AWS. At the time being, I am working as a Software Engineer @xTECH in collaboration with @Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co. oHG (Cornelsen Verlag). I have never thought that I would be an engineer, I have really enjoyed and still enjoying the journey. It's true that I am still at the beginning of my professional career but I am doing my best each day to bring more value to the market. I wake up each day asking myself "How could I be more valuable to my organization?". I believe that "Our rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to our contribution to our service" I aim too high in my career that people might think that I am greedy but that's who I am, I am hungry to learn and succeed. 🚀 I love connecting with people and help them achieve their goals, I am not a life coach or something like that, I just try to apply all the knowledge acquired through reading books and listening to a different podcast in order to lift people up, and that what I believe the purpose of life, pick and raise each other up. In my organization, even though I am not the scrum master, project manager, or tech lead, I strive each day to enhance my team's performance as a whole group by communicating, facilitating different meetings (daily, retrospective ...), and by integrity. Treat people how you want to be treated. 🙏🏼 I have always dreamt of building my own business but along my way, things have changed. I found that I really enjoy leading small groups instead of managing a whole business, this idea might change in the future. 🎯 So my goal for the next 2 years is to be a Teach Lead in one of the largest corporations. Besides my career, I am obsessed with the gym, I workout 6 and sometimes the whole week 💪🏼. "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live". I just want to keep the balance in my life, spiritually, socially, professionally, mentally and physically, and just remember, 💥 IT IS ABOUT THE JOURNEY NOT THE DESTINATION 💥 Contact: WhatsApp: +1 518 405-9067 📱 Tel: +216 23 020 901 📧 E-mail: [email protected]

Cours créés par Hamdi


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