My name is Nidhal Abidi and I'm happy to know you! [BR] I have been coding computer programs since I was 13 and I like solving problems. I have won quite a variety of competitions both national and international in the field of programming and entrepreneurship. [BR] I co-founded to help Tunisians to learn the most rewarding skills and improve their lives and hopefully build a better reality. [BR] I'm also the executive director of the Informatics Tunisian Association, and I help train the National Team of programmers to learn how to solve problems and write better computer code. I'm happy to have you in my class!
Studytn. est une plate-forme en ligne qui vous rapproche des principaux instructeurs talentueux de votre région et du monde et vous aide à apprendre les compétences les plus enrichissantes du 21ème siècle tout au confort de votre maison.